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Paint the Town of Berea

en plein air painting event

April 12th, 2025

Rain Date: May 3rd

Competition 9:00am – 3:00pm | Ceremony starting at 5:00pm | Awards starting at 5:30pm

The Log House Craft Gallery & Berea

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Join us to…

Paint Berea en Plein Air

Join us for a day in Berea enjoying the beautiful, historic town. You get to enjoy a day of painting throughout the town while also having a chance to win top prizes!

Click the link to register. Then, just show up with your blank canvas and materials on the Saturday morning, pick a place in our beautiful city, and use your talent to create a masterpiece! Cash prizes will be available for the top three artists and a special prize for the people’s choice winner.

Watch the Artists Work

Click on the map above to see the boundaries of the competition. Travel around to see the unique talents as they depict scenes from around Berea on their canvas in just a few hours. You may even see a piece in progress that would fit perfectly in your home!

This is a time-sensitive competition, so please let the artists work and do not disrupt their flow.

Vote & Celebrate

Join us in the evening to celebrate the fantastic work accomplished by the artists. View the finished paintings and vote on your favorite for a People’s Choice award. You can even meet the artists and add a piece to your collection after it’s displayed. Location to be announced at a later date.

Buy Entry Now


April 12th, 2024

8:00 AM

Canvas Check In

Log House Craft Gallery Lawn

Artists check in your blank canvas

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9:00 AM

End of Canvas Check In

Log House Craft Gallery Lawn

Last call for artists to check blank canvas

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Painting in Progress

Throughout Campus & Berea

Please refrain from disturbing the artists

View Artist Map with Boundaries
2:00 PM

Canvas Submissions Begin

Inside Log House Craft Gallery

Artists return your painting for judging and display

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3:00 PM

Canvas Submissions Conclude

Inside Log House Craft Gallery

Artists must have turned in painting for judging and display

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5:00 PM

Viewing & Voting

Inside Log House Craft Gallery

Join us for hors d'oeuvres and drinks and vote for your favorite piece or even purchase it to take home

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5:45 PM

Awards Ceremony

Inside Log House Craft Gallery

Join us for hors d'oeuvres and drinks and celebrate the top paintings

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